Meet Lionel Sigauke: Bringing Global Perspectives to Danone Canada
Meet Lionel Sigauke: Bringing Global Perspectives to Danone Canada

Lionel Sigauke is no stranger to navigating diverse cultures. Having lived in five countries across four continents, he brings a rich and diverse perspective to the Danone Canada team. Over the years, Lionel has cultivated a sense of adventure and curiosity that has taken him to places he never imagined growing up.
“I kind of just let fate drive me and now I've lived in five countries, and I wouldn’t even blink if you told me: Let's move to France. I’d say, okay let's go!”
Lionel’s expertise in finance has taken him from Zimbabwe to South Africa, Dubai, the United Kingdom, and now Canada. These experiences have taught him the value of embracing cultural differences with an open mind, allowing him to develop innovative ways of working.
Lionel credits his mother for encouraging him to study abroad in South Africa. Inspired by stories of others who sought global opportunities, she applied to international schools on Lionel’s behalf, setting a life-changing plan in motion.
“Growing up, you rarely saw examples of people who went abroad and succeeded. You saw local success stories, but globalization wasn’t mainstream when my parents were young. Now, we hear stories of people going abroad, and from an early age, we became aware of other possibilities.”
Lionel recognizes the power of storytelling in shaping our worldview. In Canada, Black History Month is a time to listen and learn from others’ experiences, reflecting on how these stories connect to our own lives.
“I never knew what Black History Month was until I came to Canada, because I come from a place where it is not widely celebrated. But when I came here, I had to educate myself. What does this really mean? What are we doing? What are we celebrating and why?”
Seeking out stories about Black History Month, and particularly the racial injustices specific to North America, gave Lionel an opportunity to better understand the cultural and political differences of being Black across continents, giving greater context to the new realities he faced as a Black migrant in Canada.
“Coming from a country where the population is 95% Black, I never experienced standing out in a room or being profiled in stores. That all changed when I went abroad”
Other cultural differences and norms became apparent during job interviews, where Lionel’s lack of Canadian experience was seen as a barrier, despite his industry expertise.
“I remember asking during my interview with Danone: What does it mean to have Canadian work experience? What is the Canadian culture? And he said: Things move pretty fast here. I told him: I’m used to fast; I worked in Dubai for five years in a high-pressure, fast-paced environment.”
Since starting in Canada in 2022, Lionel has found that while Dubai’s fast-paced environment prepared him for some aspects of the Canadian workforce, adjusting to North American corporate culture was more challenging than initially assumed.
“As I immersed myself in the Canadian workforce, I realized it’s not just about speed of tasks. The communication styles were different, and the social aspect played a huge role in the workplace. This was a cultural shift for me. For example, I’m used to pauses in conversation, but in corporate Canada, meetings move so fast you have to jump in to contribute. This was a big change for me, especially as an introvert.”
Lionel's journey impressively demonstrates the adaptability and curiosity required to navigate diverse cultures and seize new opportunities with an open mind. His personal experiences undoubtedly enrich the perspectives and expertise at Danone Canada, and we are grateful that he has chosen to share his story with us.